Freedom in Christ

Freedom in Christ

All month-long we will be focusing on what else but FREEDOM!!

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. ” Galatians 5:1

“The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.” Galatians 5:6

The Holy Spirit recently spoke these verses again to me.  How wonderful that the Holy Spirit  has so much love for us that He will repeat things and use consistency to teach us what He wants us to see and learn.

Studying and meditating on these two verses this is what I came to discover. To stand firm is = immovable, not easily moved; yoke= a wooden crosspiece that is fastened over the necks of two animals and attached to the plow or cart that they are to pull. In this verse the Lord is telling us to stand firm and do not be “yoked” or “connected” to slavery again. We are no longer attached to slavery as Christ broke the chain to slavery and to sin with his bloodshed and resurrection.

I will ask you what the Spirit asked me, “In what areas are you yoked to slavery? In what areas of your life are you still acting as a slave?”

Could it be fear? Fear of man and what others think of you? Or Fear that maybe you are not good enough? Or maybe shame or guilt? Take a minute and ponder these questions.

For me I have held onto fear in many areas of my life. Fear that I will never be able to lose weight, fear that I am not worthy of love because of my weight, fear that I am not good, fear that I will never truly be unconditionally loved. I have also hid behind shame and guilt for things I did in my past. None of this is what the Father had in mind for us. It is for that very reason of freedom that Christ came to set us free. Freedom from ourselves and the way we see and think of our selves and freedom from sin.

Though the seasons of life will change, His love remains. He is so faithful. He comes running when we fall apart. The only thing that is required of us is to receive it. Receive the beautiful gift of love and freedom. A freedom that is only found in Christ.

God continues to show me this everyday. My hope is that anyone who needs to read this,  finds it, and gains some clarity as well.

I ask that you meditate on these verses and ask the Father to show you what He wants you to see and know. Ask Him to show you the areas that you are yoked to slavery in your life. Ask Him to help you gain your freedom and live from that place of freedom.


Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you so much for loving me enough to sacrifice yourself in order for my freedom. I am in awe of how much love you have for me. Please continue to stretch and challenge me, deepen my roots in knowing who and whose I am so that I am able, eager, willing and delighted in pouring out and expressing my love and faith in you by pouring out and expressing love to others. Please instill a well of joy and love for life and for people inside me so that I may pour out that joy and love to others.

In Jesus’s sweet name,


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